Splint Tech® Zahnschienen unterliegen nicht dem Anti-Doping-Gesetz und sind wissenschaftlich breit fundiert.

Seit den 1980er Jahren gibt es wissenschaftliche Evidenz für die leistungssteigernden und relaxationsfördernden Effekte, die mit Funktions-Zahnschienen erreicht werden können. So wurden erfolgreiche Studien bei Läufern, Kraftsportlern, Ballsportlern, Golfern und Sportschützen durchgeführt, auf deren Basis sich Funktions-Zahnschienen zunehmend auch im Spitzensport durchsetzen.

Maurer C, et al.: Influence of the Lower Jaw Position on the Running Pattern
PLoS One 2015 Aug 13;10(8)
Martins RS, et al.: Physiological Responses of a Jaw-Repositioning Custom-Made Mouthguard on Airway and Their Effects on Athletic Performance
Journal of Strengh and Conditioning Research 2020 Feb;34(2):422-429
Buscà B, et al.: Effects of Jaw Clenching While Wearing a Customized Bite-Aligning Mouthpiece on Strength in Healthy Young Men
Journal of Strengh and Conditioning Research 2016 Apr;30(4):1102-10
Zupan MF, et al.: Physiological Effects of Wearing Athletic Mouth Pieces While Performing Various Exercises
Military Medicine 2018 Mar 1;183(suppl_1):510-515
Morales J, et al.: Acute effects of jaw clenching using a customized mouthguard on anaerobic ability and ventilatory flows
Human Movement Science 2015 Dec;44:270-6
Buscà B, et al.: Effects of jaw clenching wearing customized mouthguards on agility, power and vertical jump in male high-standard basketball players
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness 2018 Apr;16(1):5-11
Pae A, et al.: The effects of mouthguards on the athletic ability of professional golfers
Dental Traumatology 2013 Feb;29(1):47-51.
Garner DP, et al.: Effects of mouthpiece use on airway openings and lactate levels in healthy college males
Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Jul-Aug 2009;30 Spec No 2:9-13
Baldini A, et al.: Gnathological postural treatment in a professional basketball player: a case report and an overview of the role of dental occlusion on performance
Annali die Stomatologia 2012 Apr;3(2):51-8
Garner DP, et al.: The effects of mouthpiece use on cortisol levels during an intense bout of resistance exercise
Journal of Strengh and Conditioning Research 2011 Oct;25(10):2866-71
Miskimin J, et al.: Effects of mouthpiece use on auditory and visual reaction time in college males and females
Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Jul-Aug 2009;30 Spec No 2:14-7
Dias A, et al.: Effects of occlusal splints on shoulder strength and activation
Annals of Medicine 2019;51(sup1):15-21
Courtenay DL, et al.: The effects of a customized over-the-counter mouth guard on neuromuscular force and power production in trained men and women
Journal of Strengh and Conditioning Research 2012 Apr;26(4):1085-93
Garner DP: Effects of various mouthpieces on respiratory physiology during steady-state exercise in college-aged subjects
General Dentristy Nov-Dec 2015;63(6):30-4
Gage CC, et al.: Effects of mouthguards on vertical dimension, muscle activation, and athlete preference: a prospective cross-sectional study
General Dentristy Nov-Dec 2015;63(6):48-55
Dudgeon WD, et al.: The effects of mouthpiece use on gas exchange parameters during steady-state exercise in college-aged men and women
Journal of the American Dental Association 2011 Sep;142(9):1041-7
Maurer C, et al.: Strength improvements through occlusal splints? The effects of different lower jaw positions on maximal isometric force production and performance in different jumping types
PLoS One 2018 Feb 23;13(2)